
TUESDAY, 8/6/13

Happy birthday to my mother-in-law, Ann Clark!  I am blessed with a good and godly mother-in-law.  (Lets not talk about father-in-laws!)

A really good service last night.  Pastor Jack brought a good message on the Father from Luke 15.  The folks involved with the music are doing a great job too!  Our pew packers and others did a wonderful job of getting folks to attend.  The house was full and the Spirit was great.  We had some altar decisions and for that we are thankful.

Folks, we must not let up in our praying or attending.  Tonight is “family night” which simply means that we want families to come and sit together during the service.  You may need to encourage a family member or two to join you for the service.  Remember, we begin at 6:30PM but you can come whenever you can.  Pastor Jack will begin preaching around 7:00PM if not shortly before.

Will you pray fervently today?  We need revival.

Phillip Turner’s brother continues to improve.  Keep praying.

The funeral service for Milinda Spiller takes place this morning at 10:00AM from the Grand Bay Church of God.  Pastor Alton Stokes, Pastor Tim Cauley and I will be preaching/sharing during that service.  Pray for that service.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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