
THURSDAY, 10/10/13

I am told that the service for Miss Joyce went well and that the family did well also.  Keep praying for them as they now face the most difficult days.

Miss Barbara Nevin is still not doing well but did do a couple of small, but encouraging, things yesterday.

I was unaware that Amy Walker’s grandmother passed away.  That service was yesterday at noon and took place from Serenity Funeral Home.

Maxine Dupont is in the hospital battling pneumonia.

Ruby Gulley had a port put in yesterday.  She is battling the effects of the medications.

Edna’s son-in-law, Chris, went home from the hospital yesterday.

Miss Bea Unrue is going to have a pace maker put in very soon.

Bro. Jerry tells me that the attendance in our services yesterday/last night was good.  Thank you for being faithful!

Women’s conference this Friday night from 5:30PM until.  All ladies are invited.  Tickets available.

We began the pastors’ conference at 8:30AM yesterday and ended somewhere around 9:00PM.  Of course there were breaks for lunch and supper.  We are now at the camp and, surprisingly, they have internet in the main room.  That Al really meant it when he said the internet was for everyone!

Pastor Keith Martin, Bro. Chris Taylor and Dr. Tico Vargas were the main speakers yesterday/last night.  Bro. Keith was allotted thirty minutes and was able to squeeze his message into about an hour.  Bro. Chris preached a great message on the family.  He shared some personal stories and got pretty emotional.  I was unaware of all the things he faces in dealing with his wife.  I thought I knew her better than that – wow!

Found out from a young man attending the conference (he is the keyboardist for the conference) that his mother, Melissa, reads the blog daily.  That is great news as our readership is now at eight!

The conference ends late this afternoon and we head back to San Salvador tomorrow night.  Four of us head home Friday while Pastor Terry Nappier remains here and will preach three times this weekend.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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