
WEDNESDAY, 11/6/13

Twenty one Matthews attended the meeting/prayer time last night.  It was good.  I truly appreciate those folks who have gone the extra mile in the “My Hope America” emphasis.  I appreciate everyone is taking part in this emphasis as some simply could not attend the meeting last night but they are with us all the way.  Pray!

Leslie Williams added a comment to yesterday’s entry asking us to pray for a situation they were facing with a student.  I did and hope some of you saw that comment as well and prayed.

Ruby Gulley was off the ventilator and doing well yesterday morning.  She was able to talk to me and thanked us for our continued prayer support.

Mitchel Fox was waiting for a test and then a possible surgery yesterday.  Do not know if he had the surgery or not.  Again, Tiff is not the greatest source of information.  I do not think Tiffany is a gossip as getting info from her is like pulling teeth!

Heather Baria’s mother has been in the hospital for the past few days.  She was much improved yesterday even though she remained in the unit.

Mr. Pee Wee Oswalt is in a local hospital and is not doing well.  Pray for him and his family.

Teresa Ladnier’s friend, Linda, did well through her surgery.

Regular schedule today/tonight.

The main phone (251 445 5412) is working.  Still waiting on the parts to get the other phones up and running.  We will probably be “moving” for the next couple of days.  Thanks for your patience.  A big thanks to all those who have helped get the offices ready and in the moving process.

Baby shower for Dale & Karla Bosarge this Sunday, 11/10, from 3:00 – 4:30PM.  Fellowship hall.  Registered at some stores.

Ordination service for John Vickers this Sunday, 11/10, beginning at 5:00PM.  Council at 3:45PM in the auditorium.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.




Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Leslie Williams says:

    Thank you all for your prayers. We had a great day today. Keep that student and his family in your prayers.

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