
FRIDAY, 11/22/13

Mr. J.B. Kelley had an “episode” at the very beginning of the senior adult Thanksgiving meal yesterday which warranted him being taken by ambulance to the hospital.  As of mid-afternoon yesterday, he remained in the ER but was going to be admitted to the hospital for an overnight observation.  He was doing good per Bro. Kerry.

Pattie Suthoff was discharged from the hospital yesterday.

Marisa Felps’ great granddaughter was also discharged from the hospital.

Visited with Miss Jackie Goff as she remains in the ICU.  She was in good spirits and appreciates our prayer support.

Andy & Betty Hamil attended the graveside service for Dee Patterson in Gadsden, AL yesterday afternoon.  Pray for Pat as he walks through this valley.

Sara Nell Moulds and a host of “thousands” deserve a huge “job well done” for the senior adult Thanksgiving meal yesterday.  Over two hundred senior adults enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving meal in our CAB.  Bro. Jerry did a really nice job of sharing the message. There were door prizes galore.  Some students from Bryant High School helped in many different ways.  Marie Brooks told me that meal marked the 38th consecutive year of this ministry.  Wow!  Honestly, I missed Bro. Robbie greatly.

I have been asked many times about the electrical situation regarding the feeding center.  Still working on what is best and Tim Knighten is there trying to decipher exactly what that is.  Pray for Tim, Juan Marcos Ruiz, and John King.

I have been given the privilege/responsibility of preaching the community Thanksgiving service this Sunday evening at 6:00PM.  This service will take place from First Baptist Church.  I am asking that at least 200 members of the Friendship family join me for this service.  I also ask for your prayer support.

Regular schedule on Sunday morning with no activities at Friendship on Sunday evening due to the community service at First Baptist.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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