
THURSDAY, 6/12/14

Today’s Bible reading – 1 Kings 9:1-10:29 Acts 8:14-40 Psalm 130:1-8 Proverbs 17:2-3

Chase, Bridgett & Ava Chambliss welcomed Sawyer into this world yesterday afternoon at 1:05PM.  Internet rumors say that he checked in weighing 7 lbs 15 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long.  As far as I know, everyone is well.  His birth apparently was not nearly as “exciting” as Ava’s and that is a good thing!  Congratulations to the Chambliss and Whalen families!

Pastor Max & Teresa Lara’s daughter, Johanna, suffered a miscarriage yesterday.  Pray for her and her husband, Josue.  Lisa and I, along with many others, understand the pain they are experiencing.

I do not have the totals on yesterday’s VBS attendance but understand it was comparable to Tuesday’s.  I also understand that the girls are winning the offering contest!  Last time I checked, they do not award trophies for teams leading after three quarters of play!

Yesterday was spent getting money exchanged (getting harder by the trip), shopping for groceries, visiting the feeding center, and going into Guatemala City to buy team supplies (Soy drove to GC while I laid in one of the back seats and prayed!), and visiting with Bro. Johnny, Miss Judy and their team.  (Pray for them as they left the mission house at 3:00AM heading toward home)

Also pray today as we have folks flying from Mobile, Birmingham, Huntsville, and Grand Rapids, MI all coming to Guatemala City.  They are set to arrive shortly after 11:00AM and around 1:30PM.  Once all of the team members arrive, we will have 37 participants.  This is going to be a good team!

Pray for our VBS today as Bro. Jerry will share an evangelistic message with the children – a very important day indeed!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.




Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Liz Whalen says:

    Yes, Sawyer’s arrival was quite boring compared to Ava’s and for that we are grateful. Mother and baby were doing well as of my last contact with Bridget last night. Thanks for the prayers!

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