
SATURDAY, 7/5/14

Today’s Bible reading – 1 Chronicles 1:1-2:17 Acts 23:11-35 Psalm 3:1-8 Proverbs 18:14-15

Robert Baria was moved to a rehab facility yesterday.  Plans call for him to be there about three weeks.  Pray that his recovery will go as needed.

As it stands right now, the Friendship family is hospital free – praise the Lord!

We have folks out of town who will miss the service tomorrow morning.  However, we have other folks who are “out of town” but close enough i.e. Dauphin Island to attend the service.  I know it can be done because we have folks who have been doing it each weekend for several weeks.  Obviously, it is my prayer that those of us in town will be present in the morning at 10:30AM.

Lisa’s flights were timely yesterday and she actually arrived in Guatemala City ahead of schedule.  I miss her tremendously whenever she is not here but I am glad she is there with our girls.  I pray that they will have a great few days together.

I know some of you are following Soy on Facebook.  Why?  IDK!  My point is that he has posted some really good videos from Guatemala.  They are also on our GRACE blog.  IMO, worth watching.

My 4th started early in the pea patch and evolved to the weed eater and from there to the mower.  I started around 6:30AM and ended at 6:30PM.  Productive day.  Never left the hill!  More to do today but my day should not be as long.  Have to get in some study/prayer time this afternoon.  No service tonight.

Caroline Ford did invite me to her house for lunch yesterday – is she crazy?  (Do not answer that)  She feeds so many folks that she does not even know who half of them are – they just see the cars and stop by for the meal!  Did Caryn invite me?  Claire?  Katie? Courtney? Kayla?  Nicole?  A big “no” to all of those “friends” plus many others in our class!

When I came in at 6:30PM, Hennie asked me what was for supper.  I told her that Lisa was in Guatemala and they were grilling dogs.  She got sad.  I asked what is wrong?  She said that she wanted to grill dogs.  I told her that we had hot dogs and a grill.  She said, “hot dogs?  Never mind!”  Confused me!

As I worked in the yard yesterday, my thoughts centered on Lisa’s only brother, Michael, who was taken from this life in 1986 at the tender age of 18.  Today is his 46th birthday.  So many memories – I started at 6:30AM yesterday while Michael would have started at high noon; I heard a million fireworks last night and Michael absolutely loved fireworks as that was always what he wanted for his birthday.  Morris and I could write a book about his last six days on this earth – funny stuff!  Thank God for memories!

So much wondering – who would he have married, would he have children, what would his line of work be, et cetera?  Questions without answers.  Death stings!  Yes, it has been almost twenty eight years since Michael passed but it seems like twenty eight hours ago on one hand while feeling like an eternity on the other hand.  Time helps.  Only Heaven will heal!  I do thank God for the time that Charles, Ann, Kim, Lisa and the rest of us had with Michael even though it was brief.  I thank God that Michael was a follower of Jesus!  One day!  Hallelujah!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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