
THURSDAY, 1/22/15

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 44:1-45:28 Matthew 14:13-36 Psalm 18:37-50 Proverbs 4:11-13

I cannot tell you how many people have shared with me what God has done in their life as a result of the past four days of services.  God used Pastor Jack Bailey to share the Word with us and it penetrated  hearts.  The message last night on Hell was thought provoking and hopefully a call to evangelism.

I want to say a huge “thank you” to each person who was faithful to attend the services.  Some came to each service and I appreciate that!  Thanks to Bro. Kerry, Miss Jeanette, Miss Tena and each person who shared in the musical worship.  Thanks to each person who stayed in the nursery watching the babies and the pre-schoolers.  Thanks to our greeters/ushers for a job well done.  Thanks to Dale for helping last night.  Thanks to those who brought others to the services.  Thanks to the tellers for counting the offering each night.  Thanks to anyone who had any part at all in the services!  May God bless each of you!

You blessed Pastor Jack & Miss June with a very good love offering.  I am grateful.  The Friendship family is a giving family.  One of the signs of knowing God is at work is seen in the offering total.  Thank you for giving to the Lord!

Mission of Hope tomorrow night at 7:00PM.  Bus leaves at 6:15PM heading to the mission.

Regular schedule on Sunday.  Baptism Sunday night.

Today marks Caryn’s 25th birthday.  I miss that girl tremendously!  Take a moment and pray for Rusty, Debbie and the family.  Death hurts!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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