
FRIDAY, 1/23/15

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 46:1-47:31 Matthew 15:1-28 Psalm 19:1-14 Proverbs 4:14-19

Stella Brinkman was taken back to the hospital yesterday due to a problem with her blood pressure.  I “assume” she was admitted but do not know that for a fact.  (That Nicole is slow on the info front!)

Miss Jackie Goff is having an injection in her back for a deteriorated disc today.  She is experiencing much pain.  Pray this injection works.

Miss Lucine Bryant, Morris’ mother, is in the hospital.  They drew fluid from her lung and she was feeling better yesterday when I visited.

Merwyn & Earl Gunter’s sister, Shirley, and her husband, Robert, were both in the hospital yesterday.  Shirley still is.  Robert was moved to a convalescent home facility yesterday afternoon.  I was able to have a good visit with both of them in their respective hospital rooms yesterday.

Rachel Jackson’s nephew, Phillip Key, has been battling leukemia.  They learned Wednesday that he is in remission.  However, he will be in the hospital next week as they do some things until he can have a bone marrow transplant.

Pastor Jack & Miss June arrived home safely yesterday afternoon.  They send their appreciation for everything done for them during the days of revival.

Mission of Hope tonight at 7:00PM.  I believe Dale is the speaker.  Do not know if that will involve any of his show or not.  Pray for this ministry and attend if you so desire.  Bus leaves the church at 6:15PM.

The Nelons will be with us on Sunday, 2/1, in the 10:30AM & 6:00PM services.  Pass the word, please.

Lisa and I had supper last night with my first cousin Rachel, her husband Pastor Roy, and their three children, Titus, Isaac and Lydia Grace.  It is always good to see Rachel and the children!

Read last night where a guy from California will run his seventh marathon today in Sydney, Australia.  You say, “so?”  This will be his seventh marathon in seven days on seven continents!  Are you kidding me!  He has already run marathons in Antarctica, Chile, Miami, Madrid, Morocco and Dubai.  Has cost him $37,000.  Up to this point, I have been impressed with Ross Hatcher and Phillip Turner and their running efforts – I am not so sure now!

Upward basketball tomorrow at 8:00AM.

Bus ministry workers meet at 8:30AM tomorrow.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Bill Kendrick says:

    I wanted to remind/invite anyone from age 17 into infinity to my Dicipleship training class. Materials have arrived and I have previewed the first session and this will be great. Class will start at 4:45 in the adult Sunday school building. What You Were Made For is the course title. Hope you feel led to attend.

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