
SATURDAY, 1/24/15

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 48:1-49:33 Matthew 15:29-16:12 Psalm 20:1-9 Proverbs 4:20-27

Phil Sims’ mother-in-law, Miss Perry, passed away yesterday.  I do not know the details but do ask that you pray for the family.

As I suspected, Stella Brinkman was not admitted to the hospital.  Surprisingly, I got information from Nicole Taylor and Katie Tillman in the same day.

I do not have an update from Miss Jackie Goff’s situation.

As far as I know, Miss Bryant and Shirley Patrick both remain hospitalized.

I ask you to keep praying for Amy Huhn’s mother.  She is at home under hospice care but is doing good all things considered.

Bobby Broome and Ann Clark’s brother, Gene, is also at home and is now under hospice care.  He lives in Sand Hill, MS.  Where?  If you had to ask, never mind!

“It’s a great day for baseball. Let’s play two!”  Mr. Cub, Ernie Banks, is known for that phrase.  He passed away last night at 83 years of age.  He was a great baseball player.

IMO, yesterday was a very sad day for the state of Alabama!  I am also of the opinion that federal judges are a big part of the ruination of the United States.  He does not know this yet but Bill Kendrick will be sharing in both of our morning services tomorrow as to how you can hopefully make a difference in the upcoming Supreme Court’s decision on homosexual marriage.  God forgive us!

I continue to receive e-mails, iMessages, et cetera from members of the Friendship family thanking me for asking Pastor Jack to be with us this past week.  God did, and is doing, a work among us.

Regular schedule tomorrow.  Baptism tomorrow night.

Yesterday was an off day so I used a big part of it to take care of some personal business (I always try to do personal business on off days and not on company time) – I got another cell phone!  What does that mean?  Not much as I probably will not even have it on much.  It is a used iPhone 4S.  Is that smooth or what?

We have an illusionist within the Friendship family (whom I will not name out of respect for his privacy) who receives financial support from the Friendship family.  I wonder who led the church to support him monthly in this manner?  He gets to preach/share at Friendship from time to time and even sometimes gets a love offering.  I wonder who arranges that?  He gets recommended to other places like Danville Baptist’s block party which in turn allows him to garner more financial support.  I wonder who makes those recommendations?  When he is in a pinch and needs an assistant for his ministry he calls for help from  within the Friendship family.  I wonder who he calls to help?  I will simply say this – one hit wonder, Pastor Jack Bailey, waltzes into town and leaves with one of this ministry’s t-shirts!  I am not envious, jealous, bitter or forgiving!  Just saying!

Upward basketball and bus visitation today.

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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