
FRIDAY, 3/13/15

Today’s Bible reading – Numbers 19:1-20:29 Luke 1:1-25 Psalm 56:1-13 Proverbs 11:8

Two major prayer requests this morning – Max Peacock was taken to the hospital yesterday morning.  He is in ICU and is a very sick man.  Extremely high potassium, extremely low blood pressure, blood sugar and liver problems, kidneys not functioning properly.  We need to step up big time in our prayers for Max!

Daniela Pedraza is scheduled to have surgery in Birmingham this morning.  It is expected to last two to three hours but is outpatient.  I wish each of you could read the text she sent me last night expressing her appreciation to the Friendship family for their ministry to the Hispanics.  Of course, that specifically is aimed at those who work in that ministry but it indirectly goes to each member of the Friendship family.  Pray for Daniela.  Pray that she does not have cancer.

The visitation with the family of Wanda Morrison (Kristie Trout’s mother) takes place tonight from 5:00 – 8:00PM from the Radney Funeral Home in Saraland, Alabama.  The service takes place tomorrow at 2:00PM and will also be from the funeral home.  Pray for Kristie and her family during this most difficult time.

As far as I know, no change in Faron’s situation.  Keep praying.

Brad Hutto’s dad, Gary, did well through his surgery and is now in the recovery process.  Brad is there to help with the PT and is only charging half his normal fee.  Is that nice or what?

Praying for a miracle in Becky Sellers’ life.  Join me in that prayer.  (I think Becky could be a potential speaker in our October service but how would we ever get her to stop talking?  She is definitely Bernard’s daughter!  LOL!)

Still praying for Lisa Thompson in her battle against cancer.

Attended the service for Miss Lonie Graham yesterday afternoon.

The yard sale continues in the CAB today and tomorrow.  Concludes with the auction tomorrow night.

Lee & Christie Merck will be our special guests in our 6:00PM service this Sunday.  I am excited to have them with us.  I hope that many members of the Friendship family will attend.  We will receive a special offering for their family.

“A night of Friendship” at Cloverdale Baptist this Monday night for their revival service.  Pastor Ted Traylor will be preaching.  Not sure if the starting time is 6:30 or 7:00PM.  Friendship family, if you can, please join me as we support our sister church.  Rumor has it that Pastor James Messer is going to say “Roll Tide” as a gesture of his appreciation – wow!

You know that one letter can make a huge difference when sending a text.  Received such a text last night.  All I know is that person only wishes they could retrieve that message but once the “send” button is pressed it is too late!  Gave me a good laugh!  Who?  What?  Cannot say!  (I value my life!)

Lord willing, I will have Yankee company with me Sunday morning in the second service.  Folks, treat ’em nice!

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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