
WEDNESDAY, 4/15/15

Today’s Bible reading – Joshua 11:1-12:24 Luke 17:11-37 Psalm 84:1-12 Proverbs 13:5-6

“Potluck with the pastor” takes place this morning immediately following our service.  Lisa has the roast cooking and we have the bread & drinks ready too.  So, you bring the sides and desserts and we will have great food and fellowship.

Roseanne Baria is scheduled to have surgery this morning.  Supposed to a fairly long procedure.

Mckenzie Hyatt remains in the hospital.  Prayerfully, they either got some test results back yesterday afternoon or will get some back today that will determine the exact cause of her problems.

Stan Hatcher was admitted to the hospital on Sunday, had a heart cath on Monday morning and they placed three stents in his arteries. I “think” he was discharged from the hospital yesterday.

Junior’s mother should leave the hospital on Friday heading to a rehab facility.

Miss Mulkey’s situation basically remains unchanged.

Dave sent a text late yesterday afternoon saying that Becky was doing good thus far with her chemo treatment.

Amy Brown is a friend from Florida who is thirty five years old.  She was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago.  Yesterday, they were hit with some more really bad news related to the extent of the cancer in her body.  However, she is determined to continue to fight it with everything she has and by all available means.

One of Tom Compagner’s brother’s has been diagnosed with bladder cancer.  They have already removed the tumor.  He goes to the Mayo Clinic on Friday for a consultation.

Got an iMessage from Courtney Hubbard yesterday saying that her radiation oncologist is pleased with her progress up to this point.

Regular schedule this morning and tonight.  We plan on having roast beef for the 7:30PM Bible study too.  We will begin our study in the book of Hebrews tonight.  Plus, there is a special surprise when it comes to the dessert!  Those young adults are going to be so excited!

Our attendance in the prayer meeting rebounded nicely last night.  We had our fourth best attendance of the year.  It was raining hard during most of that time and yet our folks faithfully came.  Thank you!

As a matter of fact, I overheard our Methodist friend praying something like this last night, “Lord, please do not have the pastor remind me of TNBA tonight as I am afraid of getting shown up by those guys.  They are good!”  Obviously, he did not stay to play but we did have a really good number.  Plus, we had our first injury of the year as someone went down with an injured knee.  Next man up!

They are calling for more rain today, tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Wow!  God knows what He is doing and I trust Him.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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