
THURSDAY, 8/6/09

Where is Chris Taylor?  Did you notice that yesterday’s entry did not allow space between paragraphs?  I copied and pasted Marisa’s e-mail into that entry and everything after that was basically in one paragraph.  I have edited that post about 65 times now and it appears correct only to end up the same!  Yes, I think Otto may have been right!

Miss Joyce Bosarge has changed her chemo treatments and was not feeling so well last night according to Liz.  Joyce Hacker is having problems with her back and had an MRI done yesterday.  Miss Kathleen Henderson remains hospitalized.  Sarah Thornton had a nephew, Wesley Brown, to pass unexpectedly.  Miss Eunice Lyons remains hospitalized and in need of our prayers.  They are still trying to determine why James Cook’s father is losing blood.  Diane Vickers’ grandmother, 99 years old, has not been doing so well in a convalscent home facility in Bay Springs, MS.  Edna Holifield’s sister, Arlene Hepinstall, is having some physical problems.  Leslie Williams has asked us to pray for a young girl in her class who shows signs of a brain tumor.  Pray for all of these needs.

The visitation with the James Merritt family will take place tonight from 5:00 – 8:00PM in the church auditorium followed by the service tomorrow morning at 10:00AM.  Bro. Robbie Howard will be preaching the service so pray for him too. 

GRACE Ministries has afforded me the opportunity to meet literally hundreds of folks.  Many of them have become dear friends.  One of the first Yankees I met in Guatemala was Tom Compagner.  He and I became friends really fast.  That friendship has grown over the years.  Two years ago Tom & Shari’s daughter, Leah, was on one of our GRACE trips as was a young man by the name of Brian Cochran.  Sparks flew (sparks were always flying around Leah for one reason or the other) and now she & Brian are getting married. 

So, Lisa, Samuel, & I will fly out today as I will have the privilege of officiating at the wedding ceremony on Saturday evening.  Samuel will stay in Michigan for a few extra days while Lisa & I will return home on Sunday morning.  Originally, my flight got me home in time for the 10:30AM service but the flight schedule was changed.  Lord willing, I will be back for the 2:00PM service and the evening service. 

Pray for us as we travel.  My prayer is that the members of the Friendship family will be faithful this Sunday morning.  Remember, it is all about Jesus. 

I have a good friend who is facing a major decision in the very near future.  I simply ask you to pray for this unspoken request – God knows.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


  • CT says:

    Where is the Enter button? Teddie, do you need another lesson on basic computer skills? You have to press the “enter” button twice to double space paragraphs. I will set up a time that I can give you intense training on that. Folks, you are never too old, if Teddie can do it – you can do it.

  • Clint says:


    I don’t think your last youth minister would have treated his pastor this way. I think the toilets in the CAB need scrubbing!

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