
THURSDAY, 12/3/15

Happy birthday to our daughter, Daphne.  How old?  Old enough!  I hope your day is great!  Love you!  (Still cannot believe AU beat Bama on that day!)

Daniel 11:2-35 1 John 3:7-24 Psalm 122:1-9 Proverbs 29:1

Stella Brinkmann’s procedure went well yesterday.  She had to wait a significant time before she was actually taken in for the procedure.   She had fluid behind her heart.  They placed a drain and she will be in the hospital until there is no more drainage.

Cynthia Cumbie was set to be discharged from the hospital yesterday.  There was a possible hiccup that happened so I am not sure if she actually was discharged or not.

Deanna Crawley remains in the hospital but could come home either today or tomorrow.

Jimmy Taggert’s mother remains in the hospital and it is my understanding that she will be there for a significant time before moving to a rehab facility.  I misunderstood that when I wrote yesterday.

Sad situation in California yesterday.  Pray for those affected.

Someone read the blog yesterday morning and graciously stepped forward and bought the twenty seven dolls needed for the girls in the feeding center.  Is that awesome or what!  Thank you to that family and thank you to Jesus!

Men’s breakfast this Saturday morning, 12/5, at 8:00AM.  All men invited.

If the reports are true, congratulations to Coach Mark Richt on becoming the head football coach at Miami.  He is a good man!

Spending the morning with Diane Brinkman Howard was a trying time for me!  Wow!  She had read about Herbert getting supper money from me a couple of weeks ago so I had to “loan” her fifteen dollars for lunch.  (I am thinking sweet Katie may not be her daughter!)  I had to come home and take a pill!

Have I mentioned our Christmas Eve service?  5:00 – 6:00PM in the auditorium.  Courtney Cavin asked me last night, “what date” is that on?  Wow!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.  Be a blessing to someone today (like the family who purchased the dolls yesterday!)

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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