
TUESDAY, 8/11/09

Good Tuesday  morning.  The only update I have this morning is about my dad.  He had a scan done last week that shows his cancer is growing and one of his blood counts is up.  The doctor has ordered another scan in three months and, if the growth continues, he will order another round of chemotherapy.  Your prayer support is appreciated.

Miss Kittie has been battling vertigo for a few days but was feeling better yesterday.  Hopefully, she will be “good to go” in the next day or so.  Pray for her. 

Seems like a lot of folks have been getting “stuck” in the last few days.  There certainly could be worse situations but I know the folks who spent nine hours (overnight) on the plane while it was at the airport weren’t real happy.  A 50 passenger plane with 47 folks on it including two babies.  I have never understood why they can’t let folks off the plane and into the airport in those situations. 

Then about a dozen folks got stuck on a roller coaster when it malfunctioned.   That whole ordeal only lasted about four hours and they were in an upright position when the coaster malfunctioned. 

On a certainly more serious note, Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers made a wrong decision one night back in January.  That decision became public this past weekend.  His wife, Katie, posted a blog entry on The Dallas News website today.  I would copy it here but I don’t want to violate any copyright laws.  So, if interested, you can read it at  Good article on forgiveness.  By the way, Josh has admitted this and dealt with it back in January by calling his wife, the Rangers, and MLB to tell them of his mistake.  Doesn’t make it right in any regards but does show he was serious about confessing his sin.  When a man thinks he stands. . . . .

Our girls have left for their first full day of school.  Dana & Gina are 7th graders and Hien is a senior – wow! 

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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