SATURDAY, 3/26/16
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)
Today’s Bible reading – Joshua 12-15
This post is a bit late. I apologize. As I write this entry a few minutes before 8:00AM, the rains have been coming pretty hard. However, “they” are saying the rain will stop around 10:30AM and then begin again late tonight and last through tomorrow. We are full steam ahead with all of our plans for this morning, tonight and tomorrow. We cannot control the weather. We can say, “this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
Yancey Hall was scheduled to have his kidney stones “blown up” (there is a medical term but I do not know what it is) late yesterday afternoon. I cannot verify if that took place or not.
Melinda Eckert was still in the ICU when I visited late yesterday morning but was expecting to be moved to a regular room soon. I think she may be discharged today. She is a very blessed young lady in just getting to the hospital in time.
Eddie Hall’s mother, Miss Jimmie, is back in the hospital as she is battling pneumonia. Eddie says it is “better” but it appears she will remain hospitalized over the weekend.
The celebration of life service for Miss Nell McArthur will take place on Monday afternoon in Preston, Mississippi. Carl Ray & Sara Nell remain at home and will travel to Preston on Monday. Pray for the family.
The adult choir musical takes place tonight beginning at 6:00PM. It will include the observance of the Lord’s Supper. Friendship family, this is our Sunday night service so please be present.
Worship services tomorrow at 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30AM and then a special service at 3:00PM. Jonny Gaston will be preaching in the 3:00PM service and, Lord willing, I will be preaching the three morning services. No evening service tomorrow.
It has been a tough few days for me. First, my credit card was scanned by someone while Lisa and I were in NYC. Keep in mind that I never even took that card out of my pocket except to check into the hotel. I was told that the “thieves” just have to get close to you and they have a reader that can gather all of your cc information. Crazy! I told the lady telling me that we will did not have such gadgets in South Mobile County. Fortunately, the fraud department with my card company recognized the charges as being out of character for me and denied their approval. No harm, no foul I guess.
Remember the Titanic? That boat that could not sink. It did! Remember my chicken coop built by Soy? The one that is totally varmint proof. Well let’s just say that the Titanic went down again while we were in NYC. Had a double funeral yesterday morning! Had already had a double memorial service last Saturday morning. The moral of the story? Do not believe it when Soy tells you that “there is no way anything can get into the coop!” Whatever!
I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.
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Our condolences to your fowl family. Obviously Bernard and Soy trained under the same coop builder. Which is why we do not have chickens.