
WEDNESDAY, 8/10/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Jeremiah 10-13

Pastor Jiggs Ramsey, First Assembly of Irvington, will have open heart surgery this morning with the expectation of doing five by passes.  I visited with Pastor Jiggs and Sister Joan yesterday in the CCU and they are confidently trusting in the Lord Jesus.  Pray for Pastor Jiggs as he goes through this surgery.

As far as I know, Maria Wainwright’s mother remains in a Louisiana hospital.  They did some tests on Sunday afternoon/evening but I do not know the results of those tests.  Pray for Mrs. Hamilton.

Miss Willa Dean was doing good yesterday even though she had just finished her physical therapy session.  She is ready to go home but still has some pneumonia and the doctor wants that cleared up before he will discharge her.

Randy Collins was admitted to the hospital during the night on Monday.  There was some confusion regarding a possible surgical procedure and I am not sure what the outcome was after I left from visiting with him.  Pray for Randy.

Had a good visit with Charles Suthoff yesterday morning in the convalescent home.  Mary Lee Owens was sleeping soundly so I was not able to visit with her.

Lisa and I were able to visit with our friend from Guatemala yesterday afternoon.  He is doing well.

I made an in home visit last night that seemed to be needed and also went well.

Keep praying for those who are battling cancer.  I communicated briefly with Carla K yesterday afternoon.  She says she is doing good but she always says that even when she is not feeling well.  Bernard continues to take radiation treatments daily and Becky is continuing with her chemo treatments.

Zach Huhn returns home late this afternoon from his Summer in Washington as a missionary.  He then leaves in the morning heading to Mississippi State University.  Amy tells me that he has had a good Summer.

Regular schedule this morning and evening.  Poppy seed chicken is the main fare for the 7:30PM Bible study.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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