
TUESDAY, 11/8/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Matthew 25

Miss Mary Jackson did well through her surgery.  I do not know exactly what they did but I am told that she did well.  I will visit her later today.

As far as I know, Judy Hall did well through her surgery too.

Blow Joe Guidry had some tests done yesterday and has more to come.  No results from yesterday’s tests yet.

The results from my dad’s latest scans were good.  They showed something in the lungs that concerned the doctor but there is nothing to do at this point.  He asked dad to come back in four months and dad finally agreed to come back in six months (he was intent on not ever going back!)  So, we are thankful to the Lord!

Tim Knighten sees the doctor today.  Pray that he gets some good news regarding his situation.

Keep praying for those battling cancer.

We had four ladies e-mail me regarding the food for the community senior adults Thanksgiving meal on 11/17.  (This is actually a surprise birthday party for Rita Broome but do not tell her!  LOL!)  So, as of the morning, we need thirteen cooked turkeys; eight sweet potato casseroles; eleven fruit salads; eighteen cakes.  I am calling on all of the ladies and/or men from the 20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49 and 50 – 59 Sunday School classes to step up by tomorrow and meet these needs.  I know that our senior adult ladies will help but I really want them to be the recipients of these blessings.  E-mail me today or tomorrow or call the church office to sign up.

The “fun day” for Carla Kyser takes place this Saturday, 11/12, from Bryant High School.  Starts at 8:00AM and concludes at noon.  You do not have to stay the entire time.  So, if you are in town, consider joining this great cause.

A big shout out to the men who helped clean the church buildings yesterday.  I am not going to list any names for fear of leaving someone out but I do appreciate their help.  Maria Wainwright turned her ankle really severely last Wednesday and cannot do the cleaning right now.

Also, want to say a big “thank you” to our senior adults for filling the choir loft this past Sunday morning during our 10:30AM service – good job!  Your next call is for Sunday, 1/1/17, in our 10:30AM service which will be our only morning service that day.

Obviously, today is election day.  I encourage you to go vote.  Pray for America.

Young(er) ladies – I need to hear from you regarding the food for the community Thanksgiving meal.  Today would be nice!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.




Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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