
THURSDAY, 1/19/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 46-48; Matthew 13:1-30

As many of you are already aware, Carla Kyser was admitted to the hospital late yesterday afternoon.  The portable oxygen tanks simply could not supply her enough oxygen to keep her level at a comfortable place.  Her brother, Shawn, knows how to handle all of that and even he could not rig it to do so after connecting multiple machines.  In the hospital, Carla will get a much better flow of oxygen.  Marisa sent me a message about 3:30AM saying Carla was resting but had been alert and asking questions.

Marisa and her family are very gracious people.  They are not going to knowingly hurt anyone’s feelings.  However, my suggestion would be that folks pray but not everyone rush to the hospital.  If someone does visit, it should be really short.  Carla and her mother need physical rest.  You can contact Lisa or me at any time via the phone or electronically for an update.  (You can always check out my FB page!)

Miss Kathleen Henderson seemed much worse to me yesterday when I visited.  Last night, they moved her into a “comfort” room and are basically keeping her without pain as much as possible.  I am heading that way first thing this morning.

Ruby Gulley is better and is no longer on the ventilator.  I will be checking on her later this morning.

Becky Sellers, Tim Knighten and Lisa Thompson continue to need our prayer support.  Tim has been hit hard in recent days by the effects of his treatments.  It is my understanding that Lisa had to receive blood because her counts have been too low.  Becky continues to take her treatments.

Good day in our services yesterday.  The breakfast was great!  The fellowship was even greater!  God is good!

Regular schedule this Sunday morning and evening.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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