
FRIDAY, 4/7/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – 1 Samuel 7-9; Luke 9:18-36

Good morning from Birmingham, Alabama!  Lisa and I soon leave to meet family in Hartselle for breakfast and fellowship.

Bobby Stork will have having at least one surgery today.  It is possible they will two procedures but that all depends on the first one.  Pray for Bobby to do well.

Sharon Jardee did well through her surgery yesterday.  Hooray!  Happy for her!

I posted the obit for Mrs. Moates in a separate entry.  The visitation and service take place tonight and tomorrow at Radney’s Funeral Home in Mobile.  Pray for the Moates family.

Yesterday afternoon, Lisa and I began our drive to Birmingham.  We had to take the Arnold Strahan route as traffic on I-65 was backed up onto I-10.  So, that delayed us a bit but not too bad.  We stopped in Montgomery for a few minutes to visit with our dear friends, Decker & Martha Terry.  Folks, this is one of the finest couples you will ever meet.  They are faithful supporters of GRACE Ministries and have such giving hearts.  More importantly, they are prayer warriors!  Martha is one of the most faithful prayer warriors I personally know.  She is basically confined to the house but that does not stop her from bombarding Heaven with her prayers.  Awesome!  Decker played football for the University of Mississippi back in the day and I think that is probably his greatest “sin” (LOL) in his life but God has graciously forgiven him.  Lisa and I very blessed to call Decker and Martha our friends.

I said all of that to ask you to pray for Martha.  She has recently been having some tough days physically.  You do not know her but God does and I would appreciate you joining Lisa and me in praying for Martha and for Decker as he provides care.

We also had the privilege of stopping in Prattville at Jim & Nick’s for supper where we were joined by our dear friends, Josh & Mandi Fortner.  What an outstanding young couple.  We always enjoy fellowship with them.  (Mandi always stick me with the bill but that is ok!).  They are expecting their first child in August and we are excited for them.

Lisa saw KFC yesterday.  Just a random statement that means nothing to anyone except Lisa, KFC and me!  Just glad it was Lisa and not me!  Just saying!

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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