
THURSDAY, 4/13/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – 1 Samuel 22-24; Luke 12:1-31

Lisa’s father, Charles Clark, was discharged from the hospital yesterday.  I know he is happy to be home.

After yesterday morning’s service, I drove over to New Orleans to make two hospital visits.  First, I visited with Elaine Brown’s husband, Larry.  Yesterday morning, he had a stent placed in a vein going to his liver.  All went well and he “may” be discharged today.  Larry is one of Lillian Brinkman’s sons-in-law.

Also, I was able to visit with Maria Wainwright’s mother, Irma Hamilton, who is in the same hospital.  So I was able to not only visit with Mrs. Hamilton but also with Mr. Hamilton, Maria’s sister, other family members and Maria.  Mrs. Hamilton was doing much better and was most likely going to be moved from ICU back to a regular room.  Amazing!

I left the hospital shortly after 3:00PM and it took me to almost 4:00PM to get over the high rise bridge on I-10.  It was smooth sailing after that so I was happy to have gotten away when I did.

Our granddaughter, Sydney, will have her adenoids taken out today and tubes placed in her ears.  Simple procedure.

Logan Hatcher, seven years old, broke his arm last Friday.  His mother, Kayla, only took him to the doctor yesterday!  Poor child!  Actually, she made him leave on Saturday and go out of town for the weekend.  Really?  Kayla is not going to win “mother of the year!”  I think Logan gets a cast today.  His arm was in a sling last night at church.  (If only Kayla would listen to Ryan!).

The visitation with Jim Chinners and family takes place tonight in Lake City, Florida.  Service tomorrow morning.  Pray for Jim as he will preach that service.

Donald Butler was kind enough to post the obituary for Miss Couch as a comment on yesterday’s blog entry.  That service takes place next Wednesday, 4/19.  (Donald is such a nice guy!  Kind of makes me want to take back some of the bad I have spoken against the Pentecostals since he is one! J/K!  LOL!)

It is Spring break for the MCPSS and that probably affected our attendance some last night.  I never made it over to the CAB.  We had about an average number in Bible study both morning and evening.  I am thankful for faithful people!

I have much to do tomorrow so I am changing my off day this week to today.  Soy, yes Soy, did me a huge favor yesterday by mowing a lot of the fifteen acres on the hill.  Will make my job a good bit easier today.  However, there is probably still more to be done than I will be able to finish.  It is all good.

The good news is that I do not have to go to Walmart today as is normal for my off day!  Hooray, you say!  The bad news is that Lisa demanded that I make our weekly Walmart run last night!  Are you serious?  I had a long day with two church services and the trip to New Orleans.  She did not care!  So, I was blessed to leave home shortly after 9:00PM and get back before 11:00PM.  I keep trying to tell you guys that Lisa is a slave driver when it comes to me!  By the way, I discovered something last night.  It does not matter whether you go to Walmart early AM or late PM – they are only going to have one register open!

Christmas is good.  The birds seem happy.  In hopes of getting more this weekend.

Got to go as Lisa is hollering that the grass needs finishing and the garden needs watering.  Wow!

BTW, there will be no entry from me tomorrow, 4/14.  It will be Good Friday and I have a practice of not posting on that day.  Focus on His sacrifice for us.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday and Friday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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