
THURSDAY, 6/8/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – 2 Chronicles 30-31; John 18:1-18

The visitation with Kevin Vice and his family will take place from 10:00AM until the 11:00AM service this morning.  Everything will take place at Holder-Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point, MS.  Thank you to those who are ministering to this family by providing a meal today.

Today is the evangelistic day in VBS.  Pray.

Ethan Nelson’s sister, Shelby, had a skin graft yesterday.  The procedure went well but now she is dealing with more pain for the time being.  Ethan said the doctors say they are right on schedule as far as Shelby’s recovery is concerned.  He is grateful for the prayer support.  Keep praying for Shelby.

Tommy Johnson was discharged from the hospital yesterday morning.  He goes today to get a heart monitor which he will wear for the next month or so since they have found no cause for his episodes this past Sunday night.

Miss Fannie Fortenberry is at Ricky & Evelyn’s house and is under hospice care.  The medical folks are now numbering her life on earth in days.

Miss Jackie Goff continues to lose blood.  She is receiving blood on a regular basis now.  She remains in a local facility.

Ted Ezell continues to decline physically.  The Parkinsons is really taking a toll on him.

Charles Suthoff seems to be doing well.  It appears he stays in the bed most (all?) of the time but he is a happy camper.

Nadine Holifield’s mother, Mrs. Jones, took a fall yesterday morning and broke her hip.  They did a partial replacement yesterday afternoon.  She did well through the surgery.

Larry Whitehurst’s brother, Charlie, had his aorta valve replaced yesterday.  The surgery was a success.

Tommy Watson seemed to be better when I visited yesterday.  He still cannot communicate verbally but he thanked us for the prayer support.

Phil Sims tells me that he is doing good – getting better.

It “appears” that little Helen Hatcher will remain in the hospital for – I give up!  They did a MRI yesterday and should get the results today.  Ross & Betty Clair are tired but they are doing a great job of taking care of Helen.  Still having problems with one night shift nurse but no hospital is perfect.

The church office will close today after VBS ends.  It will be open tomorrow morning from 8:00AM until noon.

My Wednesday was different with no services.  I actually stayed in the office until after 8:00PM.  The youth service seemed to go well.

I tried to tell you yesterday that the Cavs would win up until the last three minutes of the game and then they would choke which is exactly what happened last night!  In my opinion, Lebron is no MJ, Magic, Bird, Jerry West, when it comes to “give me the ball” when the game is on the line.  He could have won that game last night but passed the ball too much.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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