
SUNDAY, 3/4/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Regular schedule for the Friendship family this morning and evening.  Deacons meet at 4:00PM, Buildings & Grounds meet at 5:00PM and anyone interested in helping with soccer meets immediately following the evening service.

Visited with Carolyn Abendroth yesterday afternoon.  Blow Joe & Cecil were with her.  She was in good spirits just waiting until Monday for her test.

Phil Sims has plans to be in our service this morning.

Amy Huhn’s father is in the hospital having been admitted Friday night.

Katelyn Johnson’s maternal grandfather was released from the hospital but her grandmother remains hospitalized.

Claire Belle Turner sent me an iMessage saying it is ok to put it in the blog.  What does that even mean?  I asked and she sent me an emoji (I am not a fan of emojis)  I am guessing that she and Phillip either got a new vehicle or a new pet.  Could be wrong.  Ask Phillip or Claire if you see them today.

Bobby Broome, John Milton Ladnier and I have all three been blessed by our gardens coming to life.  As of right now, my corn is ahead of my green beans.  Cannot find pea seeds anywhere which is different being it is already March.

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.  Go to church!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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