
THURSDAY, 3/8/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Carolyn Abendroth continues to wait on the doctors to decide what their next course of action is going to be regarding her gall bladder.  At one point yesterday they were going to send her home for a few days but then reversed course and decided to keep her in the hospital.  Just keep praying for Carolyn.

Bobby Morrison, as far as I know, has not had a heart cath done thus far.  They are waiting for something related to his kidneys to be at the proper level.  Not sure if the cath will take place today or not.  Pray for Mr. Bobby.

Miss Ann Stults was in a lot of pain yesterday morning but it seemed to be more related to her back than to her surgical incision.  The plan is to send her home today.  Pray for Miss Ann.

Sierra Edwards has a good friend, Brett, who has been in the hospital for seven weeks now.  He has received thirty two (yes, 32) units of blood during that time period.  The medical folks do not know where the blood is going.  Pray for Sierra’s friend, Brett.

Brian Amonett will not be having the test done today.  He is doing better.  This is Debbie Kendrick’s nephew.  Keep praying.

The celebration of life service for Jimmy Moates sister, Louis Akridge, takes place today beginning at noon from the chapel at Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home.  Pray for the family.

What a blessing it is to me each time I see Robert Baria in our services!  He and Roseanne were present again last night.  Robert is walking miracle.  Praise the Lord!

We had a good day in our services yesterday.  We give God the glory.

The yard sale begins today and concludes with the auction on Saturday beginning at 5:00PM.  Everything in the CAB.

Lisa is in Guatemala.  I have not said anything about it but it has been on FB so the word is out.  She left last Saturday and is scheduled to return home this Sunday.  Here is my point – even in her absence she left me a list of things to do!  She may be twenty five hundred miles away but she is steadily cracking that whip!  She “says” she is doing ministry but all I know is that each time I call she and Deidra are in a “little” restaurant!  Actually, she is enjoying her three granddaughters and I am sure she is spoiling them day by day.  I am thrilled she is having this time away with family.  If anyone deserves it, she does!

With all of the work on the railroad crossings they almost have the South side of the tracks closed off!  What a crowded situation on Shell Road (Highway 188).  I do not understand the need to close two crossings at the same time but they did not call to ask my opinion!

Do not forget that the time change this Sunday morning so move your time pieces forward one hour before going to bed!  My least favorite Sunday of the year.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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