
TUESDAY, 5/1/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Let’s begin with some good news today!  Marie Brooks had a biopsy yesterday and the results were good.  That “spot” they had been seeing and could not determine what it was proved to be scar tissue.  Hallelujah!

Larry & Judy Whitehurst finished meeting with the doctors earlier than then expected yesterday which allowed them to return home earlier too.  While I do not have all of the specifics I do know they were very encouraged by what the doctors told them.  Still have to go back in about three months for a MRI but are confident the doctors there are on top of Larry’s situation.  That is good news too!

Tim Knighten had a PET scan yesterday.  He has a consultation with the doctor today.  Pray for great results!

Jimmy Moates is scheduled for a PET scan this Thursday.  Again, pray for great results.

As you already know, the visitation with the Sara Nell Moulds family takes place this Thursday night, May 3, from 5:00 – 8:00PM in our church auditorium.  The service will be Friday morning, May 4, beginning at 11:00AM preceded by one hour of visitation with the family.  Our ladies, under the leadership of Tina Wilkinson, will minister to the family by feeding them following the interment.  Thank you in advance to those who will help with this ministry.  How many times has Sara Nell been the one helping minister during times like these?  More than I can remember!  Thank God for Sara Nell.

Our Christian Activities Building will be closed following our Wednesday night activities.  We will have refreshments and drinks in there for the Moulds family on Thursday night, will feed them in there on Friday afternoon, and  will then just leave everything in place for our Senior Saints meal on Sunday.  Please note this and pass the word.

It seems the older I get the more I struggle with the passing of others.  I am reeling from the passing of Caroline Ford on February 22 and now another wonderful Christian sister has passed from this life.  Do I know where Caroline and Sara Nell are?  Yes.  Does that help?  Yes.  Does death still sting?  Absolutely!  Maybe I am just not as spiritual as some others but I am being honest.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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