
THURSDAY, 12/3/09

It was good to gather with our young adults again last night to finish up another Wednesday’s services.  I appreciate Soy & Deidra hosting us each week.  Joel & Kayla led our musical worship last night and I am grateful for their willingness to serve. 

We were blessed with several guests in our 7:00PM service last night.  I am thankful to God for His continuing to send folks our way. 

The folks in our 7:00PM service approved a new slate of folks to serve on our Missons Committee as well as folks on the Finance Committee.  Pray for these respective committees as they serve the Lord. 

Rob Nevin’s mother was placed in the hospital yesterday with some heart concerns but should be discharged today.  Carla Kyser got her report from her tests which basically didn’t show anything new – that’s good!  She will have more scans done in two weeks.  Liz Whalen said that her mother, Joyce Bosarge, is doing about the same too.  Miss Vivian’s situation remains unchanged.  Darryl & Betty McMann will travel to Illinois today because Betty’s brother-in-law, Warren Carney, is not doing well in his battle against cancer.  The service for Wayne Hickman is tomorrow.  Keep these folks in your prayers. 

Friendship family members are asked to remember the meal being sponsored by our student ministry this Sunday.  Also, the children’s choir will present their musical at 6:00PM this Sunday evening. 

Merry Christmas!  I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus!

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The arrangements for Wayne Hickman are as follows:  visitation with the family on Friday, December 4, from 11:00AM until the 1:00PM service time.  The visitation and service will take place at the Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home.  Continue to pray for this family.

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Chuck Hodges just called the office to let us know that Wayne Hickman has passed from this life and entered Heaven.  Pray for the Hickman family as they walk through this valley.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

WEDNESDAY, 12/2/09

Chuck Hodges called me around 9:30PM last night to share that the medical personnel didn’t feel Wayne Hickman would live through the night.  It is now 6:30AM and I haven’t tried to call Chuck to get an update.  Wayne is Chuck’s stepfather.  He has battled cancer for several years now.  Pray for the Hickman family during this time. 

I saw Helen Ruth Brinkman yesterday afternoon as I was visiting with Miss Vivian in the hospital.  Her collarbone break is mending nicely.  Miss Vivian is doing well too.  Praise the Lord!

Bro. Benny & Miss Julie hosted a meal for the bus workers last night.  They graciously allowed Lisa & me to join them and we appreciate that.  I am really grateful to God for our bus ministry and those who work in it. 

Today is a regular Wednesday schedule.  Our morning service attendance will probably be off a bit because a number of our senior adults are on a cruise. 

This post is number 800 in the life of this blog.  What does that mean?  Nothing other than it comes after 799 and before 801. 

Merry Christmas!  I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

TUESDAY, 12/1/09

I had the opportunity yesterday afternoon to spend some quality time with Miss Vivian & Myrtle.  Miss Vivian is doing so much better.  She had taken a rather long walk earlier in the day and was sitting in a chair playing a board game with Myrtle.  I think Miss Vivian was winning but that isn’t saying much since she was playing against Myrtle!  Keep praying for her complete healing! 

I promised not to mention it again until next year so you will have to read my previous two posts in order to know what I am talking about!  Glory to God!  (I figure on giving God a handclap of praise this Sunday morning!  He is worthy!) 

I have received some really nice e-mails from the folks who were a part of our most recent GRACE Ministries mission trip.  I also received a very encouraging e-mail from Terry Stephan of Dauphin Way Baptist Church stating that their November trip was the best yet.  I am not sure if the members of the Friendship family fully understand or appreciate the impact you are having on others as a result of GRACE Ministries.  Thank you for being obedient to the Lord! 

It appears my friend, Pastor Jack Bailey, will be busy next summer with the wedding.  I feel certain he will be asked to officiate, pray, or something.  Congratulations, Dr. Jack! 

I pray that you will have a Merry Christmas!

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