
TUESDAY, 12/1/09

I had the opportunity yesterday afternoon to spend some quality time with Miss Vivian & Myrtle.  Miss Vivian is doing so much better.  She had taken a rather long walk earlier in the day and was sitting in a chair playing a board game with Myrtle.  I think Miss Vivian was winning but that isn’t saying much since she was playing against Myrtle!  Keep praying for her complete healing! 

I promised not to mention it again until next year so you will have to read my previous two posts in order to know what I am talking about!  Glory to God!  (I figure on giving God a handclap of praise this Sunday morning!  He is worthy!) 

I have received some really nice e-mails from the folks who were a part of our most recent GRACE Ministries mission trip.  I also received a very encouraging e-mail from Terry Stephan of Dauphin Way Baptist Church stating that their November trip was the best yet.  I am not sure if the members of the Friendship family fully understand or appreciate the impact you are having on others as a result of GRACE Ministries.  Thank you for being obedient to the Lord! 

It appears my friend, Pastor Jack Bailey, will be busy next summer with the wedding.  I feel certain he will be asked to officiate, pray, or something.  Congratulations, Dr. Jack! 

I pray that you will have a Merry Christmas!

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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