THURSDAY, 2/9/12
Praise the Lord as we are seeing several folks get out of the hospital. Amber Sessions came home yesterday afternoon. Merwyn Gunter was moved back to a rehab facilitiy. Neely Hatcher went home.
Coley’s mother, Cindy, remains hospitalized as does Jimmy Tagert’s father and Amy Walker’s sister. Pray for them in their respective recoveries.
Amy Huhn called yesterday to say that her mother-in-law is in a local hospital. Pray for her.
We had a good day in our morning service and our evening service yesterday. Our attendance was down in our 8:00PM Bible study.
There will be a baby shower for Chris & Nicole Taylor this Saturday, 2/11, from 10:00AM until noon. Nicole is registered at Babies R Us, Target, and Food Tiger. The shower will take place at our house. All ladies from the church are invited!
Wow, Austin Rivers has ice water running through his veins! I cannot believe Duke won the game last night. I felt as though Roy Williams did a poor job of coaching in the final three or four minutes of the game. (He really cares what I think!)
I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus!