MONDAY, 2/27/12
Bro. Chris told me yesterday afternoon that the doctors were thinking that his uncle would not live through the day. I have not heard different since this so I assume that he is still living. However, it is obviously a difficult time for the Taylor family and I ask that you pray for them.
Merwyn Gunter went back to the convalescent facility. I appreciate those who attended the visitation/funeral service for Linda Green’s brother-in-law.
It was great to have Dean & Jan Kapenga in our services yesterday. Dean shared a good word in last night’s service about how the Lord has used GRACE Ministries to impact their lives individually and the life of their church.
Speaking of that, Dave & Donna Westhouse will spend today with their second team of 2012 doing house dedications. They leave for home tomorrow. Dave & Donna are great friends/supporters/ partners of GRACE Ministries. Pray that they will have a great final day and then safety in their travels home.
We had a really good day in our services yesterday. Praise the Lord! After the evening service, I had the glorious privilege of leading a young lady to the Lord. I think she will make that decision public this coming Sunday.
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.