

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading –  2 Samuel 5:11-6:23;1 Chronicles 13-16

One of my aunts, Alice Gettig, is having major surgery in Kalamazoo, Michigan today.  It is expected to take five to seven hours to complete.  Would you join me in praying for her?  Also, another aunt in Michigan, Nancy, took a fall and broke her hip.  She had hip replacement surgery last Friday.  Prayers for her are appreciated as well.

Lisa and I visited with the folks in the convalescent home yesterday morning and had some delightful visits.  Everyone seemed to be doing well.

We also visited with Miss Kathleen Henderson in the hospital.  She said that she was going to be discharged later in the day.  I do not know if that actually happened.  Her concern was getting out of the hospital so she can attend our church services.

I visited with Kelli Stork in the hospital.  She is not feeling well so my visit was very short.  As a matter of fact, I do not intend on visiting her today because she needs quietness and rest.  (Volcano Nanette will erupt on this one but so be it!  She was livid at me yesterday for not visiting her daughter first!  Also wants to know what I am getting her for Mother’s Day?  Really?  Wow!)

Learned that Harold Dueitt, Sr was in the hospital and had a nice visit with him and his son, Harold.  He was later discharged and is now in the convalescent home.

“Potluck with the pastor” today following our morning service.  Fish fry.  Baloney sandwiches for those who do not eat fish!  The food will be great but the fellowship will be even greater!

Need to hear today, 5/4, from those planning to participate in our “parent/child dedication” service which will take place as a part of our 10:30AM service this Sunday, 5/8.  E-mail me or call the church office, please.

“Mother/daughter banquet” tomorrow night, 5/5, in the fellowship hall beginning at 6:30PM.  All ladies are invited to attend!

“Breakfast for mama” this Saturday, 5/7, from 8:00 – 9:00AM in the fellowship hall.  It would help if you could let us know of your intentions to attend by tomorrow, 5/5.  Send me an e-mail, please.

It appears that the presidential candidate for the Republicans has been set.  I guess things could change but that does not appear likely at this point.  This does not surprise me as it seems folks are tired of career politicians.  Guatemalans elected a comedian as their president as they had grown tired of politics as usual.  When does the college football season begin?

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.



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