
TUESDAY, 5/10/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading –  Psalms 50; 53; 60; 75

Good morning from Guatemala!  Lisa, Dana, Gina & I had an uneventful drive to the New Orleans airport yesterday morning and then two really good flights.  We actually arrived in Guatemala City thirty minutes ahead of schedule and found ourselves through customs, luggage in hand, through security, and in the rental vehicle in under thirty minutes – wow!  We were able to spend the evening with Haley Rae Garnett which was a blessing.

It just dawned on me that while I put the sign up sheet in place and left the cd on the podium yesterday morning, I never asked anyone to coordinate last night’s prayer time!  How dumb is that?  (No answer required!)  So, if you came and it was not “normal” please accept my apology!  I am truly sorry for my incompetence!

Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening.  Bro. Jerry will teach/preach in the 10:00AM and 6:30PM services.  Pizza will be the fare for the 7:30PM Bible study.  I am praying for faithfulness from the Friendship family!

Carla K should get her scan results today.  Becky S should get her’s tomorrow.  Pray!

Gloria Whitmore is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow morning.  Pray that all goes as planned.

Remember, this Sunday, 5/15, our evening service will begin at 5:00PM.  This will allow us to have ample time to recognize Bro. Chris Taylor for his seven years of ministry here as our Minister to Students.  A reception will follow in the CAB and there will be a basket for cards/gifts.  If you want to help with the reception, please contact Marisa Felps as soon as possible.

Word is that a very popular social media site has been suppressing conservative news stories for years.  Does anyone find this hard to believe?  This old boy does not!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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