
TUESDAY, 2/2/10

Caroline Ford came home from the hospital yesterday.  She is weak & tired but grateful that her situation happened as it did.  Pray for her complete recovery. 

Miss Kathleen Richards was very sick yesterday.  She is at home but her situation is serious.  Keep praying for her too.

Mr. Fore was moved from the ICU to a regular room.  Pray for him.

Nanette Fontenot e-mailed me last night to give an update on Jayne English.  They are going to put a trach in tomorrow afternoon at 1:00PM.  She will still be on the vent.  There have been no significant changes since last week.  Pray for Jayne, Kendall Wayne, and the entire family.

We are going to have a “Souper Super Fellowship” this Sunday, 2/7.  Here is the game plan – we will have a service at 5:00PM followed by an “eatin meetin” at 6:00PM.  We need folks to bring their favorite soup, chili, stew, et cetera plus a dessert.  Sherry Lavelle will coordinate the fellowship and I appreciate her being willing to do whatever. 

Folks, I know the Saints are in the Super Bowl but I also know that we don’t need to not have a church service.  I have prayed about what to do and feel good about the aforementioned schedule.  I pray that the Friendship family will be faithful to attend this evening service. 

All is well in Guatemala.  Lisa is flying home today.  Pray for her safety. 

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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