
FRIDAY, 11/11/22

Happy eleventh birthday to our granddaughter, Lizzi!  Lizzi was born on 11/11/11 at 11/16AM.  Lisa traveled to be with Lizzi this week on her special day.  Lizzi loves the Lord, love her church, loves where she lives,  and is bi-lingual.  We love Lizzi and I hope her day will be great!

THANK YOU to each veteran of the US Armed Forces!  Thank you to each present member of our active military.  Veterans, several restaurants are offering free food to you today.  Wendy’s is offering a free breakfast until 10:30AM.

I cannot wrap my mind around the vote that took place in Montana this past Tuesday to ensure medical care for babies delivered alive at any point in pregnancy, including those delivered after botched abortions.  The residents of Montana voted “NO” on this referendum!  Are you serious!  God, help us!

Tim Knighten was discharged from the hospital yesterday morning and returned to the hotel room.  He was struggling a bit yesterday afternoon with some pain.  Knowing Tim, he will get up and begin driving home today!  Tim is a man’s man which is not always a good thing!  (He was texting me like thirty minutes after his surgery ended yesterday!).  Thank God that Tim’s surgery was deemed a success!  Keep praying for Tim & Peggy!

Aninha’s cousin, Sally, came through her surgery yesterday was a miracle!  Hallelujah!  Sally still needs our prayers but yesterday was a major blessing!  Keep praying!

Steve Morris has been meeting with the medical personnel over the past couple of days and that will continue today.  Steve is struggling physically and they are trying to decide how much of a role the cancer is playing in these struggles.  Pray for Steve & Virginia in a special way.

Emma Kate Ladnier’s first culture was deemed to have been contaminated.  Therefore, she has no bacteria in her blood.  Praise the Lord!

I plan to provide some more details on Pastor Randy Von Kanel in tomorrow’s blog entry.  So looking forward to our services this Sunday – 10:30AM & 5:00PM.  Church wide supper around 6:00PM.  Church is providing the meat (pulled pork), beans, bread and drinks.  We need you to bring the sides and desserts.  Do not miss this seventy fifth anniversary!

I know nothing about Patricia Heaton and I have never watched a single second of “Everybody Loves Raymond.”  However, I read this quote from her last night and it was so spot on: “Good thought for today amidst all the political folderol…” she tweeted on Election Day along with a retweeted Dorothy Day quote that said: “I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.”  WOW!

As I drove through Baton Rouge yesterday afternoon, I was reminded of how much I like LSU’s colors.  That would make becoming a supporter of LSU athletics an easy decision.  Is that alone enough to leave Bama?

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.  Again, THANK YOU Veterans and active military personnel!


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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