
MONDAY, 4/17/23

Good day in the Lord’s house for the Friendship family yesterday.  Yes, the spring break negatively affected our attendance but that is now the norm in today’s society.  My focus is on those who attended and I am thankful for their faithfulness.

The visitation and celebration of life for Michelle Fore’s mother will take place this Saturday, 4/22, in Biloxi.  I will share the specifics later in the week.

The Charles Whitehurst family will be making arrangements perhaps today.  I will share those once I know them.

Our friend in Montgomery, Decker Terry, remains hospitalized.  Please keep praying for Decker.

Nanette tells me that Terrel remains basically the same – low blood pressure and heart still not strong.  Continue to pray for Terrel.

Dale Ellerman remains with his mother.  Pray for Dale.

Buddy Brewer is some better compared to last week but continues to need our prayers.

There will be a breakfast for our senior adults this Wednesday, 4/19, beginning at 8:30AM.  Others are invited but it would be helpful if you let Bro. Jerry know you plan on attending.  Those attending the breakfast will then join us for our regular 10:00AM service in the auditorium.  Pass the word!

We will not have any classes or services this Wednesday evening, 4/19.  This is spring break week so we are giving our workers a break too.  Again, pass the word.

JZ and his entourage are doing great in Guatemala.  If you have social media then you know more about their happenings than I do.  I am happy for JZ.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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