WEDNESDAY, 9/13/23
More good news. This came to me from Larry Whitehurst yesterday afternoon – We are praising God for a good report. The tumor has not grown and there is a spot in the core that could possibly be dying. How great is that! Pray for Larry & Judy as they travel home today.
Robert Baria will see his oncologist next week to set a plan for treatments. Keep praying for Robert & Roseanne.
Carol Lucky is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow. Pray that all goes well.
Jeanette Bates batting leadoff in the four folks from the Friendship family who are having their knees replaced. She will have her procedure done tomorrow. Pray that all goes well and that she will recover quickly.
Keep praying for Emilee Burdette. Pray that her body will continue to not reject this donated kidney. Pray for the donor, Brooke, too.
Still rejoicing over Tim Knighten’s great report from his doctors. God is good!
I have a dear pastor friend who is in a tough spot right now. I only learned of this last night and it caused me some sleep loss during the night. Will you join me in praying for him? God knows.
Pray for our Fall soccer season that begins this Saturday, 9/16. I am excited about the ministry opportunities.
Pray for our Experiencing God Bible study. I am hearing such good things from this and how God is working in lives. Praise Him!
Church wide fellowship at Presley’s Outing on Sunday, 9/24, beginning at 4:30PM. Baptism at 5:00PM. The meal will be served beginning at 5:15PMish. Everyone is invited to attend this fellowship.
Regular schedule on our campus this morning and evening. Join us!
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.
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