
THURSDAY, 11/16/23

Laurie Chandler’s husband, Bobby, passed from this life yesterday.  Arrangements pending.  Pray for Laurie, Sharon, Jeff and the rest of the family as they walk through this valley.

Our friend in Michigan, Kristie Potts, is being placed under hospice care.  The thought is that she will be discharged from the hospital today.  Pray for Kristie, John and the family.  Pray for the caregivers.

We have a friend, Rhonda Johnson, in South Carolina who has been diagnosed with a malignancy.  She will be undergoing a test today and needs our prayers.  Pray for Rhonda and Doug.

Keep praying for the Georgia Crawley family and the Larry Brown family.

The Thanksgiving meal for our senior adults takes place in our CAB today from 10:00AM until noon.  Thank you to each person who is helping in any way with a special thanks to Sherry Howell for leading this ministry opportunity.

I just learned that Judy Pierre’s husband, Tony Brooks, passed from this life on Saturday, 11/4, and a service was held on 11/8.  Pray for Judy and family.

I also learned this morning that a good friend through RA basketball, Marx Nicholson, passed from this life this past Saturday, 11/11.  His service took place on Tuesday, 11/14.  Marx was an outstanding gentleman.  I have very fond memories of Marx especially as they relate to RA basketball back in the day.  Pray for his wife, Elaine, and the family.

How are Deidra and the girls?  The girls are happy to be home.  Deidra continues to struggle.  So many memories of Soy here.  Thank you for praying.

I do want to give a shout out to Chino for all the work he did in getting things ready for the return of Deidra and the girls.  Outstanding job!  Daisy & Delmy were supposed to help but they were basically useless.  Chino is the man!

Edgar, Jr. is twenty-three years old and he did not finish his high school education.  However, a couple of years ago he began an acclerated program to earn his high school diploma.  Mission accomplished!  This past Friday, 11/10, he graduated from high school.  He is the first person from his family to do so!  A huge congratulations to Edgar!  He will begin the university in February 2024!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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