SUNDAY, 11/19/23
Regular schedule on our campus this morning and evening. Sunday School begins at 9:00AM; worship at 10:00AM; Experiencing God at 4:00PM; evening worship at 5:00PM. Bro. Abel will be bringing the messages from the Word in both services. I pray that those in town will be faithful to attend these services.
The church office will be closed this week. Miss Edna has not been feeling well and Bro. Dylan is scheduled to have outpatient surgery tomorrow. We normally close Wednesday noon of Thanksgiving week. So, please note this closure as well as knowing that Bro. Abel and Bro. Dylan are on call in the event of an emergency. Our deacons are also available to minister. Thank you for understanding.
Please keep praying for Kristie Potts along with her husband, John, and their family.
I will be preaching this morning in the service at Iglesia JET. Pray for me.
Colegio JET will have their graduations this afternoon. I am not sure which grade levels “graduate” but I know it will be an exciting time for all of the students and their families.
I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.
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