WEDNESDAY, 6/23/10
Jack Sims had his surgery yesterday and Bro. Jerry said there were a lot of folks present to support the family. I am “assuming” all went well but do not know that for a certainty.
David & Vera Bosarge’s brother-in-law, Arthur “Flat” McRoy passed away yesterday. We have had him on our prayer list for months. Pray for the family.
Ted Ezell remains in rehab. Dottie Fore, Barbara’s mother, continues to weaken physically. Barbara is doing better in her recovery. Doris Leach may go home from the hospital today. Fannie Fortenberry was put in the hospital Saturday night but I don’t know if she is still there.
Soy & Deidra made it safely to China. They are in Beijing now. I assume Alisha continues to do well.
Today is a normal Wednesday at Friendship. Bro. Robbie will be preaching in the 10:00AM & 7:00PM services. I pray the members of the Friendship family will be faithful.
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.
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Soy seems to be homesick. I finally got him to lay down with his blanket and a “Teddie” Bear from the Sheraton Hotel in Beijing. He just kept talking about Teddie and finally slipped off to sleep. I hope tomorrow is better.
Brother Teddie,
Any way I could talk you into bringing me one of those steaks from Las Antorchas? I read your GRACE post a few days ago and your reference to that steak house of steak houses has made me consider a trip just for another porterhouse. What a place and thanks for that meal.
Best regards, and safe travel,
Well, Soy appears to be a little homesick. Finally, I got him to lay down with his blanket and gave him a “Teddie” Bear to snuggle with and he went to sleep. He woke up crying a couple of times but would just kiss Teddie and go back to sleep. I hope this gets better or it is going to be a long 8 days.