
THURSDAY, 4/9/09

I received this e-mail message from our State Representative yesterday:

Bro. Teddy:

I need a favor please.

I received a lot of letters from members of Friendship regarding the gambling legislation.  I am trying to return all of the letters, but it getting difficult.  Can you please let your congregation know that I oppose the legislation and I plan to vote against it.  I am also voting  against the Budget Isolation Resolution. 

I have never supported any gambling legislation and I don’t plan to start now.  Please, let everyone know that I appreciate their concerns and nice comments and assure them that I am committed to fighting the expansion of gambling in Alabama.  I am so thankful that you guys see through the deception  of “Sweet Home Alabama”.


Spencer Collier

I appreciate Spencer and his stand on this issue.  I also applaud Rusty Glover for his stand as he has contacted many of you personally too.  Keep praying! 

Miss June Strickler will have eye surgery this morning so please pray for her. 

We had a great Wednesday.  Wow, last night this was a busy place!  Pray for the musical and drama as it will be presented for the first time tomorrow night. 

Korie’s signing went well.  I still don’t understand why Nanette insisted that she (Nanette) and I have our picture made together?  Why was Coach Jackson there?  Can you say free food? 

Three things caught me attention on the news last night – a guy in Germany committed suicide thirty years ago by climbing a tree, tying himself to it and then shooting himself.  They found him this week!  Close family! 

TCU is now offering gay housing.  Other schools may do the same but that just caught my eye.  Of course, more & more States are “legalizing” gay marriages.  Again, just because it is legal does not make it right!

Brown University is no longer observing “Columbus Day” but will have “Fall Weekend” instead.  (They will still be off on Columbus Day) Why?  Because Columbus mistreated the native Americans.  Talk about PC. 

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus. 


Written by Teddie in: Daily |

1 Comment

  • T. Garrett says:

    On a political bend today? Now the mouth piece of a politician? I suggest writing a letter back to Rep. Spencer, and suggesting that he hire another secretary and buy a roll of stamps.
    Is it Native American or is it American Indian? Maybe we should ask, and maybe we should ask Brown how many American Indians they have admitted to their program of study. For a school that grants notfailing grades, because they “only celebrate success” I am very confident in my opinion that unless the American Indian’s family could afford the $45,000 per anum tuition bill, none were invited. I commend Brown, unlke Dartmouth, (a school built and funded for the express purpose of educating the American Indian and ultimately admitting a grand total of one,) Brown has had a history of attracting the cream of the crop, or better said the “rich and the thick!” at least they are trying to acknowledge historical wrongs, maybe one day they will acknowledge their own.

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