
THURSDAY, 7/16/09

Pray for Gunner Law this morning as he undergoes surgery on his eye.  You can read one of yesterday’s posts to better know his situation.  Gunner is the nephew of Vicki Burnett.

Pray for Pastor Robbie Howard & me as he preaches and I participate in the funeral service for Don Loveless this morning at 10:00AM.  Pray for the Loveless family. 

In hockey they have a “line change” where the entire forward line or defensive line is changed all at once.  (Mark Mast – aren’t you impressed with my hockey knowledge?)  Today is “line change” day for GRACE Ministries.  I am writing this shortly before 4:00AM which means Bro. Johnny’s team is up and about to head for the GC airport to travel home.  Louise & the Fab Five will then hit it hard to get the mission house “turned around” and ready for the next team.  Today will be an easy day for them as the next team arrives tonight.  Bro. Jerry and his team will leave Mobile around noon.  Pray for both of these teams as they travel today.  By the way, Deidra posted two GRACE blogs last night. 

Bro. Johnny’s team helped purchase a new freezer for the mission house.  That is appreciated very much.  Two or three of their guys also worked on the generators and are actually bringing the carburetors home in order for them to be repaired.  I appreciate all this team did for GRACE Ministries this past week.

Samuel has a visa and a plane ticket!  The missions committee approved the purchase of a ticket for him so he will travel to the States on July 30 and return to Guatemala on August 31.  We are working to get him in as many places as possible during those days.  He will definitely be going to Michigan for Leah Compagner’s wedding.  It is going to be great to have Samuel here. 

Pastor Jack Bailey has returned to the blogging world.  He just needs to learn to be more honest in his blogs and to quit trying to sugarcoat everything. 

Gotta go cut grass.  Hope you have a great Thursday with Jesus. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |


  • Derrick says:

    Would one of those places for Samuel be in New Orleans with Jodie and I for a couple of days?

  • Mark Mast says:

    How about sending Samuel up to Canada to join us on our Wilderness Canoe Trip from August 22-29… Brother Johnnie Tucker is our speaker!!

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