
THURSDAY, 9/3/09

The Lord blessed and we had a good Wednesday in our respective services.  Again, for me, it is always a good ending to the day to gather with our young adults for Bible study.  There were 34 of them present last night and we had a good time in the Word. 

I have to give a shout out to our student ministry too.  Bro. Chris & Bro. Dale are doing a good job and they had 94 students in attendance last night.  Great job students & leaders!  It is about souls and not numbers but each number represents a soul!  Praise the Lord!

Cecil was able to share some good news last night as the doctor told them that there had been a “slight” improvement in Miss Vivian’s situation.  She is still a very sick lady but any word of improvement is a good thing.  Their hope is to get her in for a scan this afternoon.  Pray that will happen.

Haley Walker remains hospitalized with pneumonia.  Pray for a speedy recovery.

Whitney Bryant goes for her full body scan today.  She will go back next Thursday for the results.  I am praying they will find nothing except freckles! 

Carla Kyser meets with her radiologist this morning.  Pray as he considers means of treatment. 

Pastor Abel Garcia did not have a nuclear stress test yesterday (my mistake) but will have it done today.  Pray for him!

Joyce Hacker continues to recover at home as does Gerald Poiroux.  Betty Neal was able to get out and about on her own yesterday.  Deanna Wetterer’s mother, Sue Carpenter, had knee replacement this past Monday and may go home today.  Donald Stork, Bobby’s brother, is scheduled for surgery next Tuesday.  George Douglas, Jr. (Dee Dee’s dad) cannot have surgery as his cancer has spread.  Betty Taylor was diagnosed with cancer and will have surgery on 9/21.  Pastor Max Lara did well through his surgery.  By the way, GRACE Ministries will take care of the expenses related to that surgery so a big thank you goes to everyone (individuals & churches) who financially support GRACE Ministries.  Mike Parker and family will travel to the States on 9/12 to spend a couple of months with his dad who is also battling cancer.  So, you and I have a lot of folks to pray for today.

We are still in need of scholarships for the pastors’ conference.  One of our evangelist friends made a contribution that arrived in the mail yesterday – what a gracious act.  We had another out of town supporter pick up five of the pastors.  We are grateful & blessed!

Friendship family – don’t forget the meal & service this Sunday, 9/6, at 5:00PM. 

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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