
SUNDAY, 8/27/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Psalms 120-122; 1 Corinthians 9

I saw Raymond Wilkinson late yesterday afternoon and he gave me an update on Tina.  She remains hospitalized and they continue to run tests.  (I am thinking Tina is not studying enough for these tests!).  Pray for Tina.

No update on Robert Baria so I assume no real change or I would have heard from either Roseanne or Carol.  Keep praying for Robert to be healed!

Kendall told me yesterday that Amy Huhn’s dad will most likely remain in the hospital for another week or so.  (Kendall and Amy are related but Kendall would rather folks not know that fact!).  Pray for Mr. Morrison.

I saw Becky Hatcher at Wally’s Filling Station yesterday afternoon and she told me that Helen Hatcher has the flu.  Pray for Helen!

I walked away from yesterday’s work day blessed and impressed.  We had about seventeen or so men plus one lady show up (counting the guy who showed up Friday morning and did an awesome job) to help.  We had one child and one young adult take part, a couple of middle age adults and the rest of the crew was above sixty years of age with the oldest being around eighty years old.  I think I am right in saying that three of these men have had open heart surgeries in years past.  At least two have undergone radiation treatments in years gone by and one is facing radiation.  It became obvious to me that these guys have never read the OHSA handbook on safety (I will leave it at that).  The attitudes and the work ethic of these folks was impressive!  Just a blessing to see folks respond!  Much was accomplished in just a few hours.  To God be the glory!

Regular schedule this morning and tonight.  I hope to be joined by many members of the Friendship family and guests today.

Yes, I am ready for college football.  I watched some of the JSU game last night.  Did not watch the fight (not paying one hundred dollars for PPV like TJ Vice is prone to do) but did you really think a non boxer could beat an undefeated world champion?

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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