

Greetings from San Antonio where it seems every store is displaying a “Go Spurs Go” sign.  I have seen one million Tim Duncan and Tony Parker jerseys too.  NBA fever!

Lisa and I spent the day registering for the convention which begins today, visiting the display area, checking on how I stand in my SBC retirement account (that’s what you do when you get older), and listening to some preaching in the Pastor’s Conference.  Did I mention that Lisa managed to squeeze in a little shopping?  Imagine that! 

Sambo Bowden’s surgery was postponed.  Last I heard, Tiffany Fox was still in labor but I am fairly confident she has given birth by now.  I will share the details tomorrow. 

Bro. Jerry sent me an e-mail saying that the VBS family night was the best ever.  He told me that we had 27 professions of faith in our VBS and received over $1,300 in offerings which will be used to build four houses in Guatemala.  The girls won the offering contest so Bro. Jerry received the pie in the face.  I would imagine Myrtle found payback to be sweet! 

Bro. Jerry also told me that Phil Sims won the VBS contest by dressing like a cheerleader – oh my!  Something tells me that I am sooooo glad that I wasn’t present for that spectacle! 

The Michiganders are working hard and are “enjoying” our summer heat.  Pray for them as they do ministry this week in spite of the hotter than normal temperatures for them. 

Jeanette Bates is scheduled to have hip replacement surgery this Thursday so please keep her in your prayers. 

Bro. Jerry and his team of 31 will depart for Guatemala next Monday.  Actually, the eight folks from Canada will depart/arrive on Sunday.  Pray that this team will have a great week of ministry. 

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday as you serve the Lord.   

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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