
WEDNESDAY, 11/17/21

Regular schedule on our campus this morning and evening.  Friendship family members, please join us!

Satsumas, satsumas, satsumas!  Pick all you want this Saturday, 11/20, from the orchards of Stan & Becky Hatcher.  One dollar per pound with all of the proceeds going to our students June 2022 GRACE Ministries trip to Guatemala.  What a gracious offer from Stan & Becky!  Let’s support our students as well as missions!

We need our senior saints to sign up for our “Night of Thanks” that will take place this Sunday, 11/21, from 5:00PM until around 6:30PM.  You can sign up in our services today or call the church office.

We need all hands on deck to help load a container this Monday, 11/22, beginning at 3:00PM.  This is a joint ministry effort with Pastor Mike Parker and Clubhouse Guatemala Ministries.  We will stage the container on the West side of the adults Sunday School building.  McGyver will lead this effort.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus!



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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