
THURSDAY, 10/5/23

I am a day late with updates on those within the Friendship family.  My apologies.

Henry Wyse did well through his surgery and should have come home yesterday.  Keep praying for Henry & Sue.

Robert Baria received a treatment on Tuesday.  Keep praying for Robert & Roseanne.  Robert is an amazing man!

Larry Crawley was in Sunday School and the service this past Sunday.  He has one more treatment to go.  Keep praying for Larry.

Chuck Rockwell needs a heart cath but is not physically able to have one right now.  Pray for Chuck & Beth.

Carol Lucky continues to recover nicely from her shoulder surgery.  Praise the Lord!

Larry Whitehurst’s nephew, Ed, was involved in an automobile accident and is hospitalized in Mississippi.  Possible back surgery coming for him.  Pray for Ed and his family.

The memorial service last night for Michael “Soy” Taylor was simply amazing.  Tough, but amazing.  Four hundred plus in attendance.  I am told there were one hundred seventy-three folks watching on line with over four thousand views and fifty shares (I have no idea what those numbers mean but I guess they are good).  The impact of Soy’s life on the young and the old alike was very evident.  I heard “lo siento mucho” (I am very sorry) a million times it seemed.  The young people were extremely broken emotionally.  Deidra, Lizzi, Sydney, Audrey, Lisa and I were all deeply moved.  Pastor Adan did a great job of sharing the Word.  Sabrina was her usual great self singing.  Jonathan shared from his heart.  Chino simply could not share as he is so broken.  Deidra and the girls provided a meal for everyone present – a special Guatemala soup called estofado, rice and drink.  The folks enjoyed it.  It was a fitting end to the evening as Soy & Deidra have fed thousands since arriving in Guatemala on June 14, 2017.  Soy would have loved every second of the celebration.  Soy did a nice job of preaching his own memorial service!

It has been an emotional night for me.  As I type this, I am watching Deidra get some sleep which has been very scarce for her since Saturday night.  Deidra, like her mother, does not function very well without some sleep.  Pray that she can rest.  Thank Jesus for the rest she is getting.

I am getting messages from folks who are just finding out about this tragedy.  Will you help by reaching out to folks you know who know Soy, Deidra, GRACE Ministries to make sure they know?  The COLS in Alabama will take place next Thursday, 10/12, beginning at noon at Friendship Baptist Church 12581 Saeger Road Grand Bay, AL 36541.  Pass the word!  By the way, I anticipate an overflowing crowd.  It may be the largest COLS in the history of Friendship Baptist.  I could be wrong but that is my feeling.

The money be given through Zeffy.com to help Deidra and the girls with the expenses of getting Soy’s body home, the funeral homes (Guatemala and Mississippi), the cemetery, et cetera plus day to day living expenses is amazing!  Far above my expectations.  Daphne and my brother, Eddie, were told by a complete stranger yesterday that the Lord impressed upon her heart that a certain amount would be given through this means.  If she is right, oh my goodness and glory to God!  Will you share the Zeffy link with others through your social avenues?

Sorry for being so long with this entry.  Hope you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.  Pray for Deidra, Lizzi, Sydney & Audrey.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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