
THURSDAY, 10/19/23

The Lord blessed the Friendship family with a good day in our services yesterday.  I am thankful!  Bro. Jerry taught the adults in the auditorium.

Robert Baria is doing well with his radiation treatments and his immunotherapy.  He will have a total of thirty-three radiation treatments and six weeks of immunotherapy treatments.  Keep praying for Robert & Roseanne.  Roseanne does such a good job of keeping me updated.  I am grateful.

There are several really urgent unspoken prayer requests within the Friendship family.  Please pray.  God knows!

Henry Wyse was in the service yesterday morning.  He is not jumping fences but is recovering nicely.  Keep praying!

Talked to Pastor Mack Morris yesterday and he had just completed another radiation treatment.  Pray for Dr. Mack.

Please continue to pray for Kristie Potts in Michigan.  She and John are great people!

We need members of the Friendship family to be extra “sweet” this Sunday, 10/22, by bringing candy for the Hallelujah Festival which will take place the following Sunday.

The Ladies Helping Hands ministry will meet tonight in the Preschool Building beginning at 6:30PM.  All ladies invited to attend.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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