
MONDAY, 10/16/23

Well, praise the Lord!  He blessed us with a really good day in our services yesterday.  We saw seven folks come forward in the morning invitation desiring to become members of the Friendship family.  God is good!  We praise Him for these additions.  Bro. Abel did a nice job of sharing the Word in our evening service.  I am grateful.

Obviously, I was humbled and grateful by the gifts given to Lizzi, Sydney and Audrey by the Ingalls Avenue Baptist Church in Pascagoula, Mississippi.  How thoughtful of them!  Deidra joins me in expressing much appreciation for this act of kindness.  Thank you Dr. &Mrs. Mack, Bro. Vann and Bro. Green.

I have not gotten with Henry Wyse to get an update on his recovery from his surgery.  Keep praying!

Pastor Mel Hacker remains in rehab and it is a roller coaster ride for him.  Pray for Pastor Mel and his family.

Our good friend, Kristie Potts, in Michigan has gotten a less than favorable report regarding her malignancy but her faith in God remains strong.  Please join me in praying for Kristie, John and family.

Jason Fosmore’s mother continues with her treatments.  Keep praying!

Since I have been without internet service for the past several days, I have not gotten to express my written gratitude to all those who have been a blessing to us during our time of grief.  We, as a family, are most grateful.  Blown away!  Humbled!  The attendance at all of the visitations and services was amazing!  There were folks in attendance from ten different states at Thursday’s service.  Over one hundred folks made the drive to Richton, MS for the graveside service.  Soy was a much loved young man.  We miss him!  Pray for us.

I continue to be blessed by the support given to me by our staff and our deacons.  They are holding my hands up big time!  Thank you brothers.

The next few days are going to be a “sweet time” for the Friendship family.  We are asking you to bring candy to the services this Wednesday, 10/18, Sunday, 10/22 and Wednesday, 10/25 to be used at our Trail of Truth and Treats on Sunday, 10/29.  We need tons of candy so please help.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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