WEDNESDAY, 1/30/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
We will NOT have a 10:00AM service today! Evening classes/service will take place. Please pass the word.
Miss Catherine Leach had surgery on her ankle late yesterday afternoon. I went by and prayed with her earlier in the afternoon and then Bro. Jerry Hovel went to be with the family during the procedure. I do not have an update but do ask you to pray.
Miss Gloria Whitmore will be having surgery this morning. Fortunately she is the first one on the list which means her surgery should begin at 7:00AM. It is no fun having to be at the hospital at 5:00AM but it makes it somewhat worthwhile when you do not have to seemingly wait all day to have your surgery. Pray that all goes well for Miss Gloria and pray for Bro. Jerry as he waits beside her.
I have posted the arrangements for Amy Huhn & Lee Falana’s Uncle Bobby. Everything takes place today from Higher Ground Baptist Church. Pray for the family.
Anna Carol Bosarge’s surgical procedure takes place in a couple of weeks. Keep praying.
Miss Lillian told me Sunday that Elaine is doing good. Cannot drive yet so she has not gotten back to church. Keep praying.
How is that January Challenge going for the building of a school in Guatemala? Glad you asked! Despite the fact that some folks are putting their money in transmissions while others are buying travel trailers, it is going great! At the time of this writing we now only need three thousand dollars to reach our Hallelujah goal. Remember, at 8:00AM this past Sunday morning we needed forty eight thousand dollars. So, I would say that it is going great! (Without transmissions and travel trailers we would already be there – just saying!). We have two days to reach and surpass this goal! Thank you to each person who has helped in any way either by praying, giving, sharing, et cetera.
As a matter of fact, our students and our Girls In Action will be providing different “goodies” tonight before/after our classes/service for folks to purchase. All proceeds will go toward the building of the school. This really has nothing to do with the money but everything to do with helping our students and GA’s think about missions and ministry. I appreciate the leaders who have helped them with their efforts. ($250 plus $100 = $300 all day!).
Our deacons will have their regular monthly meeting (February) tonight at 5:45PM. Brothers, please be on time. (They always are)
It is just before 2:00AM as I write this entry. The present temperature is thirty four degrees with the lowest expected to be thirty degrees at 6:00AM. So, the weather forecasters missed it by six or seven degrees. No complaints. Do I regret calling off the morning service now? Nope. You go with the information you have and make a decision. Then you stick with it. Remember, leaders lead, they do not take opinion polls. By the way, Lisa and do not even have the heat on in our house.
Lord willing, I will board a plane in Mobile early in the morning and head to Guatemala to lead back to back teams doing medical and construction. The highlight of these trips will be the official groundbreaking ceremony for the school. This will take place this Friday, February 1, beginning at 9:00AM. We will be joined by local and state officials for this monumental event. Exciting stuff! Pray for a fruitful two weeks. Our staff and deacons stand ready and able to minister in my absence.
I have more to do today then I will be able to get done. Pray for wisdom on my behalf.
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.
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