THURSDAY, 1/31/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Good morning from the Mobile airport. Lord willing, I will soon board a plane heading to Atlanta and then eventually to Guatemala City. We have a large contingent scheduled to come out of Grand Rapids today if the weather cooperates. Pray for traveling grace and mercy.
Gloria Whitmore did remarkable in her surgery yesterday morning. They had her up walking early yesterday afternoon. Amazing! Pray for Miss Gloria in her recovery.
Keep praying for Miss Catherine Leach too as she recovers from her surgery.
We had a nice crowd in our service last night. Our GA’s and our students were busy beforehand offering various goodies in exchange for a donation toward the building of the school in Guatemala. I know the GA’s raised at least $1,100 and the students raised $570. Awesome job by both groups and their leaders.
So, did we reach our Hallelujah goal? We did – HALLELUJAH! What is the total? I will share that information once today ends as others are still giving. Folks, it is all a God thing. We give Him all of the glory.
I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.
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