THURSDAY, 1/9/25
Let me begin with a PSA – Stacey & Gayla Dyess are cooking seafood gumbo this weekend as they are helping a granddaughter’s cheer squad raise funds to go to nationals. Seventy-eight ($78) a gallon; twenty ($20) a quart. Orders need to be placed no later than noon tomorrow, 1/10/25. Gumbo will be delivered on Monday, 1/13/25. You can contact Gayla at (251) 463 0577. Stacey has a good reputation for his gumbo. No obligation. Just FYI.
Pastor Reed continues to make progress. Thank you for praying!
Tonya’s great-nephew obviously continues to need our prayer support.
Miracle of miracles – Deidra posted a blog on the SLAM website today. Pretty transparent. She is so jealous of my baker’s dozen readers and only wishes she had such a following. Just saying!
The first team of 2025 to do ministry on GRACE Mountain arrived on 1/2 and left early this morning. One small problem – the winter storm in Dallas which is their connecting point. So, they are delayed. The second team was set to arrive on GRACE Mountain today. One small problem – the winter storm in Dallas which is also their connecting point. They are working now to try and get to GRACE Mountain tomorrow. Pray for these two Michigan teams.
Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday, 1/12.
Basketball leagues resume play tomorrow night, 1/10, and Saturday, 1/11. Pray for this ministry.
I pray that you will have a great rest of your Thursday with Jesus. Let’s go!
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