WEDNESDAY, 2/29/12
Happy birthday Junior Taylor! (I know he does not read the blog but he is the only person I know personally who was born on 2/29) Junior and Sonny Bates are cousins. He is a neighbor to my parents, our families went to the same church, and I worked at Western Auto in Hartselle with him back in the day.
Peggy Knighten is having surgery today. Pray that all goes well!
Adam Cordelle was in the hospital from Friday until yesterday. I visited with him yesterday morning and he was much improved.
Visited with Coley Johnson’s mother yesterday too. She remains hospitalized but is doing better.
Visited with the family of Bro. Chris’ uncle yesterday. Really no change in Mr. Taylor’s condition.
I had the opportunity yesterday to visit with Miss Exie Woods and Merwyn Gunter in a convalescent facility. Both were doing good.
A “souper” “potluck with the pastor” takes place this morning immediately following our service. You bring the soup and everything else will be provided.
We need the folks who plan on attending the webinar on 3/10 to sign up by this Sunday, 3/4, so we can be properly prepared.
Tough night last night for our MSU fans in Michigan. I am not really surprised that IU beat them but by 15 – wow! Come on Sparty, beat OSU!
Joe David, man up!
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus!
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